Racial Justice Pathways   |   Kit 1: Finding Your Way in This Work


You may not remember a time when people made “mix tapes” for each other. Now people make playlists, but back in the Napoleonic era when the medium for portable music was cassette tapes, people would give each other cassettes with their favorite mix of stuff. That’s us and you.
Replace this with a proper lead-in and maybe a quote or two.

You can…

listen using the player below
download to play the mixtape on your own device

Download a transcript

Or listen and read with an animated transcript

Bonus poem

David Whyte reads his poem, Just Beyond Yourself. Animation by ThisHumanMoment.


Just Beyond Yourself by David Whyte from ThisHumanMoment on Vimeo.

People and sources

Maurice Stevens

Maurice Stevens is faculty director of Racial Justice Pathways. He is a Professor in the Department of Comparative Studies at Ohio State, and an adjunct faculty member for the Pacifica Graduate Institute in the department of Depth Psychology’s Community, Liberation, and Eco-Psychology Program. And he’s a lot of other things too! You can read his full bio on the OSU site.

Nicole Nieto

Nicole Nieto is Assistant Vice Provost for Outreach and Engagement in the Office of Academic Affairs. Through her fifteen year-long Ohio State career Nicole has held positions in the Offices of Student Life, Human Resources, Research and now Academic Affairs. See her full bio on the OSU site.

Hanna du Plessis

Hanna is principal at Fit Associates, an educator, host of culture-shifting spaces, an artist and a writer. See her LinkedIn profile for more, much more.

Marc Rettig

Marc is a principal at Fit Associates, a host of conversations, a maker of experiences, and an educator who explores for bridges between theory, poetry, practice, spirit and street. Learn more in his LinkedIn profile.

Music credits

Gotcha Like, by Nu Alchemi$t. Find them on YouTube, Amazon Music, Soundstripe, and many other sources.

Karlo Malo, by Sam Barsh.